Monday 9 January 2017

Basque Shepherd Dog Images

Basque Shepherd Dog images - The Basque Shepherd Dog is a landrace breed of dog originating in the Basque Country and traditionally used by the local shepherds to help them take care of their cattle and sheep. Perro de pastor vasco (pastor vasco for short) is the Spanish name, and euskal artzain txakurra is the Basque, by which they are known in their homeland. It is believed that they originated from Central European herding dogs. (Wikipedia)

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Basque Shepherd Dog Images

By Inigoruiz - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

By Hillexports - Own work, Public Domain,

By Inigoruiz - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

CC BY-SA 3.0,

Images of Basque Shepherd Dog

These dogs are well proportioned, with strong, rectangular bodies and trotter features. Their eyes are oval and are brown or amber. Their ears are medium-sized, triangular and sometimes show folds. The vivid yellow medium length rough coat is longer over the trunk than over the head and is shorter on the face, but does not hide the eyes. The relation between height and length is about 1/1.2. The head is rather light relative to the trunk, which is attached by a short neck and muscular.
Of the two distinct types of Basque Shepherd Dog, the more outgoing Gorbeiakoa[1] is the more pure and ancient of the two. It is recognized by the moderate length hair coat, which texture is smooth and soft. It is very short and smooth on the face and on the front of the legs. There is a plume on the back of the legs. The coat color can be either fire-red or fawn, and it has a dark mask on the muzzle. The height of males is 47 to 61 cm and of females 46 to 59 cm. Males weight 18 to 36 kg and females 17 to 29 kg.
See also: Dog pictures with names

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