Monday 9 January 2017

Bavarian Mountain Hound Dog Images

Bavarian Mountain Hound Dog images - The Bavarian Mountain Hound (German = "Bayerischer Gebirgsschweißhund") is a breed of dog from Germany. As a scent hound, it has been used in Germany since the early 20th century to trail wounded game. It is a cross between the Bavarian Hound and the Hanover Hound. (Wikipedia)

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Bavarian Mountain Hound Dog Images

Images of Bavarian Mountain Hound Dog

Bavarian Mountain Hounds weigh between 20 and 25 kg, males are 47 to 52 cm (18.5 to 20.5 in) high, while females are 44 to 48 cm (17.5 to 19 in).
The Bavarian Mountain Hound's head is strong and elongated. The skull is relatively broad and slightly domed. It has a pronounced stop and a slightly curved nosebridge. The muzzle should be broad with solid jaws, and its lips fully covering the mouth. Its nose is black or dark red with wide nostrils. Its ears are high set and medium in length. They are broader at the base and rounded at the tips, hanging heavily against the head. Its body is slightly longer than it is tall and slightly raised at the rump. The neck medium in length, strong, with a slight dewlap. Topline sloping slightly upward from withers to hindquarters. Chest well-developed, long, moderately wide, and well let-down with a slight tuck-up. It has a long, fairly straight croup and solid back. While its tail is set on high, medium in length and hanging to the hock, carried level to the ground or hanging down.
See also: Dog photos with names

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