Saturday 14 January 2017

Boykin Spaniel Dog Images

Boykin Spaniel Dog images - The Boykin Spaniel is a medium-sized breed of dog, a Spaniel bred for hunting wild turkeys and ducks in the Wateree River Swamp of South Carolina, in the United States. It is the state dog of South Carolina, where it was discovered and further developed by hunters in the 1900s. 1 September is Boykin Spaniel Day in South Carolina. (Wikipedia)

Image Source:

Boykin Spaniel Dog Images

By jetsonphoto - Flickr: He may be human, CC BY 2.0,

By jetsonphoto - Flickr: April Jet, CC BY-SA 2.0,

By Boykinspanieling - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Images of Boykin Spaniel Dog

The Boykin Spaniel is a friendly, social dog that is considered a good family pet. It is easily trained and eager to work. It is good with, and extremely stable around children and other dogs. They can sometimes be described as energetic with great endurance. They are extremely adaptable to different environments as long as they are given ample opportunity for social interaction and plenty of time to burn off excess energy reserves. They are not easily angered and tend to be eager to please and friendly, but they love attention.

The Boykin Spaniel is a versatile hunter, working as a retriever and upland hunter, flushing birds into flight. Pointing is not in character with the Boykin's hunting style. Their stamina in hot weather and eagerness make them good for dove hunts, but also for pheasant and other upland game. They can be used in driving deer or in tracking wounded game. Their small size makes them easy to carry in a canoe or other small boat, and they are described as "the dog that doesn't rock the boat." The Boykin was officially recognized by the AKC in 2009.
See also: Dog images with names

attention: all images contained on this "Boykin Spaniel Dog Images" page does not belong to this blog, the images used for information purposes only. If you are the owner of the image above and don't want the picture shown, please contact us and we'll remove it immediately. Thank you

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