Thursday 19 January 2017

Cretan Hound Dog Images Collection

Cretan Hound Dog images - The Kritikos Lagonikos (Cretan Hound) (Greek:Kρητικός Λαγωνικός) is a hunting breed of dog from the island of Crete, in Greece. It is considered to be one of the oldest hunting breeds in Europe, with a history that goes back to 4,000 years ago.
This is a multi-talented dog that comes directly from Crete. Its excellent scent, speed, agility, and durability make it an exceptional hare hunter. Cretan Hounds also have guarding instincts as well as pastoral instincts. (Wikipedia)

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Cretan Hound Dog Images

Images of Cretan Hound Dog

The Cretan Hound uses both sight and scent on the hunt and they have a particular tendency to taste the aerial or ground scent, even to the point of sucking it from pebbles and stones. When the prey is sensed, the tail moves in circular fashion and the hound becomes rigid, moments before the chase begins. Meek, affectionate, aristocratic, yet deadly on the chase, it’s a polite hound that comes alive in the presence of prey; clean, gentle, elegant in form and movement, it’s never vulgar or overwhelming in gestures. Slightly reserved with strangers, it’s naturally inquisitive and tolerant. The Cretan Hound lives happily together with other domestic animals but will ruthlessly chase the neighbor’s cat! Excellent, gentle and very affectionate with children. It rarely barks but will give notice of strangers approaching its home; at the farm it will kill mice and rats and it’s not indifferent to feathered game, but the latter use will make the breed lazy and untidy in the hunt; its constitution needs the challenge of the true chase.
See also: Dog breed photos with names

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