Saturday 4 February 2017

American Bobtail Cat Images Collection

American Bobtail Cat images - The American Bobtail is an uncommon breed of domestic cat which was developed in the late 1960s. It is most notable for its stubby "bobbed" tail about one-third to one-half the length of a normal cat's tail. This is the result of a cat body type genetic mutation affecting the tail development, similar to that of a Manx cat. The breed is not related to the Japanese Bobtail despite the similar name and physical type—the breeding programs are entirely unrelated, and the genetic mutation causing the bobbed tail are known to be different because the mutation causing the American Bobtail's tail is dominant, whereas the Japanese Bobtail tail mutation is recessive.
American Bobtails are a very sturdy breed, with both short- and long-haired coats. Their coat is shaggy rather than dense or fluffy. They can have any color of eyes and coat, with a strong emphasis on the "wild" tabby appearance in show animals. (Wikipedia)
Images Source:
Wikipedia.Org, Pixabay.Com

American Bobtail Cat Images

By torbakhopper -, CC BY 2.0,,  Helmi Flick, Animal Photography,  Tetsu Yamazaki, Animal Photography,  Helmi Flick, Animal Photography

Images of American Bobtail Cat

American Bobtails require two to three years to develop, slower than many domestic cat breeds.
The American Bobtail is hearty, short-tailed cat. Its body is moderately long, with substantial boning, and stocky. The stance is noticeably rectangular. The chest is full and broad. The hips are substantial, almost as wide as chest, and hind legs longer than fore legs with large round feet which may have toe tufts. The head is a broad wedge without flat planes, size proportionate to body. There is a concave curve from nose to brow, or rise to prominent brow, a broad unpinched muzzle, prominent whisker pads, a gently sloped wide nose and full, strong jaws. The ears are medium-sized, wide-based, and equally mounted on top and side of head with rounded tips. The eyes are almost almond shape,with size proportionate to head. The aperture is angled to base of ear, and with medium wide spacing and deep sockets. Eye color varies with coat color. The end of the tail is visible above the back, but not beyond the hock while the animal is in repose. The tail is straight or curved, slightly knotted or may have bumps.

attention: all images contained on this "American Bobtail Cat Images" page does not belong to this blog, the images used for information purposes only. If you are the owner of the image above and don't want the picture shown, please contact us and we'll remove it immediately. Thank you

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