Wednesday 22 February 2017

Woodlouse Images Collection

Woodlouse images - A woodlouse (plural woodlice) is an isopod crustacean with a rigid, segmented, long exoskeleton and fourteen jointed limbs. Mostly they feed on dead plant material, and they are usually active at night. Woodlice form the suborder Oniscidea within the order Isopoda, with over 5,000 known species. (Wikipedia)

Images Source:
Wikipedia.Org, Pixabay.Com

Woodlouse Images

By Stemonitis - Own work (own photo), CC BY 2.5,

By Franco Folini - San Francisco, California, CC BY 2.5,

Images of Woodlouse

Description and life cycle
The woodlouse has a shell-like exoskeleton, which it must progressively shed as it grows. The moult takes place in two stages; the back half is lost first, followed two or three days later by the front. This method of moulting is different from that of most arthropods, which shed their cuticle in a single process.
A female woodlouse will keep fertilised eggs in a marsupium on the underside of her body until they hatch into offspring that look like small white woodlice curled up in balls. The mother then appears to "give birth" to her offspring. Females are also capable of reproducing asexually.
Despite being crustaceans like lobsters or crabs, woodlice are said to have an unpleasant taste similar to "strong urine".

attention: all images contained on this "Woodlouse Images" page does not belong to this blog, the images used for information purposes only. If you are the owner of the image above and don't want the picture shown, please contact us and we'll remove it immediately. Thank you

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