Monday 2 January 2017

Avocet Images Collection

Avocet images - The four species of avocets /ˈævəsɛt/ are a genus, Recurvirostra, of waders in the same avian family as the stilts. The genus name is from Latin recurvus, "curved backwards" and rostrum, "bill". The common name is thought to be derived from the Italian (Ferrarese) word avosetta. Francis Willughby in 1678 noted it as the "Avosetta of the Italians". (Wikipedia)

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Avocet Images

Images of Avocet

Avocets have long legs and they sweep their long, thin, upcurved bills from side to side when feeding in the brackish or saline wetlands they prefer. The plumage is pied, sometimes also with some red.

Members of this genus have webbed feet and readily swim. Their diet consists of aquatic insects and other small creatures. They nest on the ground in loose colonies. In estuarine settings they may feed on exposed bay muds or mudflats.
See also: Arctic Wolf Images

attention: all images contained on this "Avocet Images" page does not belong to this blog, the images used for information purposes only. If you are the owner of the image above and don't want the picture shown, please contact us and we'll remove it immediately. Thank you

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